Ihsan Forum aims to preserve and strengthen Tigray’s Muslim identity and presence in Sweden, which enables the Muslims to, individually and in groups, privately and publicly, exercise their religion and engage positively in the various functions of society. The Ihsan forum is an association that promotes social security among Tigray’s Muslims in Sweden and strengthens Islamic identity and Muslim education in Tigray and Ethiopia.


Ihsan forum, based on Islamic and democratic values, in accordance with the Koran and Sunna, will work for social security in Sweden and to make Muslim rights more difficult in Tigray and Ethiopia. The goal is to promote Islamic identity, mosque building and Muslim schools mainly in Tigray and Ethiopia. An Islamic identity based on Islamic culture, diversity, human rights and social equality.


The Ihsan forum works to become one of the foremost organizations in Sweden, Tigray in Ethiopia in social development and education promotion on a global basis, based on fair, Islamic and democratic principles and human rights, and that Islam should remain a natural part of Ethiopia’s cultural heritage.


  • To promote social security among Tigray’s Muslims in Sweden through various social activities.
  • To promote Islamic education by supporting the construction of mosques and Muslim schools mainly in Tigray and other parts of Ethiopia.
  • To support social work in Tigray among children, the elderly and women.
  • To preserve and develop Islam’s history and Muslim culture among Muslims in Tigray and Ethiopia.
  • Initiate the development project in Tigray and Ethiopia to fight poverty and contribute to Ethiopia’s democratization and social development